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Le MTECT publie 4 fascicules de mise en œuvre de la réforme “Zéro artificialisation nette” (ZAN)

Le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires a publié 4 fascicules destinés à l’ensemble des acteurs, notamment les services de l’Etat et les collectivités, responsables de la mise en œuvre de la réforme “Zéro artificialisation nette” (ZAN) des sols.  

Le fascicule 1 “Définir et observer la consommation d’espaces naturels, agricoles et forestiers, et l’artificialisation des sols” rappelle le sens de la réforme, les objectifs poursuivis, ainsi que les outils d’observation déployés au niveau national (fichiers fonciers pour la consommation d’ENAF, OCSGE pour l’artificialisation).    

Le fascicule 2 “Planifier la consommation et l’artificialisation des sols” détaille les modalités d’intégration et de territorialisation de la trajectoire nationale de sobriété foncière dans les documents de planification régionale (SRADDET, SDRIF, SAR, PADDUC) et d’urbanisme (SCOT, PLUi), ainsi que le suivi de l’atteinte des objectifs au niveau local.   

Le fascicule 3 “Mobiliser les leviers en faveur de projets de territoires sobres en foncier” présente les outils d’anticipation foncière, de recyclage foncier et notamment des friches, de développement de la nature en ville, d’optimisation de la densité ainsi que de maîtrise de l’artificialisation emportée par les activités économiques.   

Le fascicule 4 “Accompagner la sobriété foncière et le recyclage urbain” explicite les dispositifs d’appui à l’ingénierie des collectivités (notamment via les établissements publics fonciers, les agences d’urbanisme, l’ANCT, et le Cerema), le levier fiscal, les aides économiques (notamment le fonds vert) et les mesures contractuelles (notamment les opérations de revitalisation de territoire et les projets partenariaux d’aménagement). 

Pour aller plus loin...

Consultez le guide synthétique “Zéro artificialisation nette” publié en novembre dernier par le Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires, disponible sur notre boîte à outils.

Ce document présente en 16 pages les points essentiels de la réforme.   

About Nina

A student at Sciences Po Paris, enrolled in the Master’s program in Territorial and Urban Strategies, Nina is interested in public policies at the territorial level as well as the challenges of ecological transition.

As part of a student project during her first year of the Master’s program, she worked with the National Housing Agency (Anah) on eco-design in urban renovation. She then took a gap year to gain more professional experience, completing two internships: the first with the City of Paris, where she contributed to the implementation of the first plan to combat energy poverty, and the second with the Paris Urban Planning Agency (Apur), where she worked on the territorialization of public health.

Currently in her second year of the Master’s program, she is beginning an apprenticeship with the association France Villes et Territoires Durables.

About Solène

Mission Officer, Working Group, and Projects. Student at the Urban School of Sciences Po Paris, focusing on the ecological transition of cities.

About Quentin

Motivated by climate issues and planetary boundaries, Quentin decided to study land use planning at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. His experience in associative field at the Fresque du Climat, helped him to better understand the stakes of the ecological bifurcation. Between his native Haute-Savoie and his home town Rennes, where he gained expertise in mobility and sustainable agriculture, he is now based in Paris to deploy the Sustainable City by France’s territorial workshops throughout the country.

About Alice

After five years’ study at Sciences Po Lyon, with a specialization in territorial transitions, Alice joined Sustainable City by France (France Villes et territoires Durables). She actively contributes to the deployment of the association’s territorial workshops and working groups.
See her LinkedIn profile 

Currently studying as a second-year Master’s student in International Relations at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Tara holds a Bachelor’s degree from INALCO, with a double-major in Hindi language, and International relations / Environmental studies. Her work with us is in line with her former experiences at UNESCO and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, thus deepening her professional expertise in the field of environmental diplomacy and international cooperation for sustainable development.

See her LinkedIn profile


She holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in International Relations and Action Abroad at the same university. She approaches the problems of sustainable cities and territories through these different perspectives and her international experiences.

About Isabelana

Isabelana is a Mexican journalist who holds a Master’s degree in Digital Communication and Data Analysis from the Sorbonne University. She previously worked in communication and press relations in the cultural sector in France and Mexico. Today, she is interested in ecological actions and solutions to preserve the environment and the biodiversity.

About Camille

camille photo
With a background in social sciences, art history and architecture, Camille has worked in communication within the VINCI group: from major international projects to La Fabrique de la Cité, a think tank dedicated to urban foresight.

About Alexandra

A geographer by training (Saint Petersburg State University), she started as a geographer and economist at the Academy of Agricultural Economics (Russia), before pursuing her career in France as an administrative and accounting assistant (Air Liquide, Association TGV Provence Côte d’Azur, COFHUAT, Groupe Hervé)

About Marion

Trained in international and European affairs between England and France as part of a double degree at Sciences-Po Lille / University of Kent, Marion started her career in advocacy and institutional relations of non-governmental organisations, in the fair trade sector (Max Havelaar France label). Her experiences are also linked to territories, with a passage in decentralised cooperation at the level of a departmental council.

About Sébastien

Before joining the SCbF team, he held several positions in local government management. From elected official and deputy mayor of his native city Besançon, in charge of university relations and international cooperation, to Director of Economic Development of the City of Pantin, to Chief of staff in Montreuil – where he notably piloted the in-depth redesign of the urban project towards more ecology and sustainable development – he continued his career as Senior Resilience Officer of the City of Paris.
He promotes a holistic and systemic vision of sustainable development and brings his expertise in territorial resilience, ecological and social transition.