Le Crédit Coopératif participera à “Tech for Climate ?” le 13 juin prochain
27 mai 2024
27 mai 2024
Le Crédit Coopératif vous invite le jeudi 13 juin 2024 à la Maison de la Chimie à Paris pour assister à “Tech for Climate ?”, un événement organisé par le groupe Constellation !
Pour sa troisième édition, “Tech for Climate ?” continue de sensibiliser et de mobiliser son écosystème face au défi climatique.
Au programme : des interventions percutantes, des explications claires sur les enjeux climatiques, des ordres de grandeur, et des retours d’expérience d’organisations engagées.
À cette occasion, le Crédit Coopératif animera un atelier thématique intitulé « Finance durable : pourquoi et comment le choix de mes partenaires financiers et mes investissements ont de l’impact ? » et participera à un atelier sur « la finance au service de l’innovation durable ». Retrouvez Valérie Vitton, directrice du marché des personnes morales au Crédit Coopératif, et Anthony Degouve, responsable transition écologique et énergétique au Crédit Coopératif, à partir de 15h15.
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A student at Sciences Po Paris, enrolled in the Master’s program in Territorial and Urban Strategies, Nina is interested in public policies at the territorial level as well as the challenges of ecological transition.
As part of a student project during her first year of the Master’s program, she worked with the National Housing Agency (Anah) on eco-design in urban renovation. She then took a gap year to gain more professional experience, completing two internships: the first with the City of Paris, where she contributed to the implementation of the first plan to combat energy poverty, and the second with the Paris Urban Planning Agency (Apur), where she worked on the territorialization of public health.
Currently in her second year of the Master’s program, she is beginning an apprenticeship with the association France Villes et Territoires Durables.
Currently studying as a second-year Master’s student in International Relations at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Tara holds a Bachelor’s degree from INALCO, with a double-major in Hindi language, and International relations / Environmental studies. Her work with us is in line with her former experiences at UNESCO and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, thus deepening her professional expertise in the field of environmental diplomacy and international cooperation for sustainable development.
She holds a Master’s degree in Development Economics from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in International Relations and Action Abroad at the same university. She approaches the problems of sustainable cities and territories through these different perspectives and her international experiences.